Red Egg-Farm Refugees
Red egg-factory hens have very sociable, gregarious personalities. They get along incredibly well with all backyard hen breeds and integrate quickly into an existing flock. Adopters love them the best because of their outgoing and curious personalities. Although they look scruffy and threadbare upon arrival, their feathers grow in, plush and vibrant, within a few months.

Leghorn Ladies
These lovely, high-spirited leghorn ladies comprise the vast majority of hens used and abused by the egg industry. By the time we get them, they have spent their first 2 years crammed into barren, wire cages inside an huge warehouse as part of the egg industry. They are adaptable, and adjust fairly quickly to life outside the cages. As backyard pets, they are very spirited and lively!

Big Bold Roosters
Roosters are the lynchpin of every flock! They hold the flock together and are a part of healthy social dynamics — guarding and guiding their hen friends. We have roosters of almost every breed, size and temperament who are all looking for a home as your faithful flock guardian.

Adoption saves lives!